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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Winter weekends biking - tell us your stories!

It was a combination of cold, sunny, windy, rainy, icy, crunchy-mucky, misty, snowy and downright miserable weather on Saturday and Sunday (though Saturday was pretty nice in fairness) but that was no reason not to be out biking!

Drop a line in the blog and let us know how you got on...


  • At 8:47 p.m., Blogger Stephen said…

    Get the ball rolling...
    Saturday was really a freezing one. Set out with Oisin, Fergal and an Epic crew out of Curtelstown and around Price Willies. Everything frozen solid made for some fun, completely out of control freeride action. Then went into Cloon to session the DH course with the lads. Really nice course. I dare say, made better since it was felled!

    Sunday: Headed out from Taylors in the lashing rain for a hyper speed spin around 3 rock. Again with Oisin and Fergal. Fairly motored up the road and up to the areials via the boneshaker and Crossmax. Unfortunately my breakfast was slowing me down (all those extra grams sitting in my belly) so had to get rid of it to be able to keep up with the lads. Did everything good 3 rock has to offer. (i.e All of the MAD trails...)

    Pretty sore and tired now. Definitely worth it. Dare anybody to beat that weekends biking!! :D

  • At 8:59 p.m., Blogger Fergal said…

    indeed, the frozen wasters of Curtlestown mad for some great sliddery and fast action, the DH session in Cloon was the highlight - felt good to get some confidence on those jumps, the whole course is in great condition - well worth sessioning for a day - great skill/nerve enhancer!

    We were filthy and soaked after the Sunday 3rock spin but it was just what we needed - 2+ hours of fast xc all over the place, the place was crammed - 133 hillrunners, XC'ers, DH'ers, MX'ers you name it, all jostling for domination of the trails!

  • At 9:38 p.m., Blogger Martin said…

    The Nomads go rained on, snowed on and the hail was like nails! and there was fallen trees all over the place, Shane L if your reading it was like B/stoe a few weeks ago but worse!

    Have to agree the spin was good, although could have done with another baselayer due to the cold and the fact Mrs Doyle tea shop in Powercourt was closed was a let down!!!

    Anyway, lets hope it not as windy as today next Sun when we try Glendalough again!

    Liam you forgot to mention there was about 10 out, even though the weather was SHITE !!

    See you on Tues and I am thinking of Masseys - HF - Cruagh Thursday night ? any allmads or nomads up for it ?


    PS Djouce was crawling with MTBrs today counted about 4 different groups and loads of Sorrento beginners cheering Shane Geoghan on as he flew down XTC on his swanky Giant Anthem ADvanced CArbon....... luverly rothar

  • At 12:37 p.m., Blogger Fergal said…

    good lord, I'm getting as bad as Martin: "the frozen wasters of Curtlestown mad ..."

    should have read "the frozen wastes of Curtlestown made...."

  • At 12:45 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Was up on tree rock on Saturday around 3.30pm. went up to the top by the pile of rock but I went around to the left first instead of going straits up. Man is was wind and frozen over. all the streams where frozen, I came down the down the way I went up, from the pile of rack past the 2 different bunches of boulder. Its a strange feeling slipping around on flat ice puddles only the break trought the ice, soke your nad's and keep tearing down the mountain along the bone shaker and down on around the barrier, past the cars to the bottom, and a the hit a nice little single track out on to the road. Did the the bone shaker and the lower part again, the light was fading by this point. Got home covered in muck, cracked open a beer and savaged down the food a had made before I left. Exactly what I needed , I was a happy camper. Wimped out on sunday!

  • At 12:48 p.m., Blogger Unknown said…

    Let me try that in english this time - Was up on tree rock on Saturday around 3.30pm. went up to the top by the pile of rocks, but I went around to the left first instead of going straight up. Man is was windy and cold all the streams where frozen, I came down the way I went up, from the pile of rocks past the 2 different bunches of boulder. Its a strange feeling slipping around on flat icy puddles only the break trought the ice, soke your nad's in freezing water and keep tearing down the mountain along the bone shaker and down on around the barrier, past the cars to the bottom, and a the hit a nice little single track out on to the road. Did the the bone shaker and the lower part again, the light was fading by this point. Got home covered in muck, cracked open a beer and savaged down the food a had made before I left. Exactly what I needed , I was a happy camper. Wimped out on sunday!

  • At 1:58 p.m., Blogger Martin said…

    i get the point across! spilling wuz never my thang ;-)

  • At 4:05 p.m., Blogger Oisin said…

    Sunday was wet, cold and muddy... but an amazing spin. Once you're out there the weather doesn't really matter. Just an extra challenge.

    The satellite run is riding brilliantly. I feel sorry for those hill runners though - lots of pain but where is the gain?

  • At 6:04 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I checked the spin calendar 30mins before it was changed on saturday night..


  • At 6:05 p.m., Blogger Sean said…

    I forgot my bicycle...

  • At 7:16 p.m., Blogger Martin said…

    could be worse Sean you could have been on an epic or imbrc ride!

  • At 10:19 p.m., Blogger Nigel said…

    i got drunk in cologne! :D

  • At 3:00 p.m., Blogger Tom Heavey said…

    You got drunk on cheap cologne!?...

    Wow thats rough man....

  • At 1:14 p.m., Blogger Morgan said…

    Funnily enough, I once drank a bottle of Old Spice and went blind for three days.

  • At 4:44 p.m., Blogger Paddy said…

    morgan, you really put the MAD in MAD

  • At 3:30 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

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